In 2003, FSB Core Strategies assumed management of the industry trade association for the contract private security industry. The association had suffered a number of high-profile legislative defeats, membership was declining, and its mission was not being fulfilled. The association retained us to design and implement a full program to build membership, improve its standing in the political and legislative process, represent the industry before its regulatory agency and increase participation in the association’s various programs. In less than a year, membership in the association stopped declining and has now increased in all categories. 

The association has become the industry leader for providing training materials to comply with mandatory state training laws, and the association’s sponsored legislation passed in 2005, with the Governor signing it into action. No bill opposed by CALSAGA has become law since we assumed management. CALSAGA is recognized and sought out by public policy leaders, the media and their own regulatory agency as the key source of information on the industry.  Events, programs, and communications are all light years ahead of where they were in terms of professionalism and participation. In short, it is an almost completely new organization in all ways, while still retaining its core mission.