ALEX BURROLA is an account executive in the Orange County office of FSB Core Strategies. His role at the firm includes offering his key experience in coalition building and grassroots outreach in addition to his communications, writing and media relations abilities to several of the firm’s clients.
Prior to coming to the firm, Mr. Burrola was an account executive with Cerrell Associates Inc., where he provided strategic and tactical support in the Campaigns & Issues Management practice area. His specializations included media outreach and relations, grassroots coalition building and management, and communications for private sector, government, and political clients. He also had day to day charge of Cerrell’s web and social media presence.
Before joining Cerrell, Mr. Burrola was voter registration director for the Republican Party of Los Angeles County. He was often called upon to speak at events representing RPLAC in addition to organizing registration drives, managing vendors and training volunteers, coordinating efforts with various campaigns and generally administering a vigorous voter registration program.
Long active in politics, Mr. Burrola currently serves on the board of directors of the California Young Republican Federation and is founder and past president of the Long Beach Young Republicans. He also served on the board of directors of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County and has worked on a variety of political campaigns and efforts over the past 20 years, amassing numerous governmental and political contacts. Mr. Burrola has often been interviewed by television, radio and print media seeking his political commentary.
Mr. Burrola graduated from Whittier College with a double major in history and political science. While at Whittier he was an active member of the Richard M. Nixon College Republicans as well as a show host for college radio station KWTR.
Mr. Burrola resides in Fullerton, California with his wife and son.
If I weren’t public affairs professional I’d be a… History professor. I’ve always been fascinated with history from ancient times to recent events.
On my first day at FSB Core Strategies... I jumped right into a lot of research and background reading on the firm’s clients and knew that I would enjoy working with such a great group of people on some interesting and challenging projects.
I enjoy working at FSB Core Strategies because… Everyone is very helpful and good at what they do. This is a solid team of professionals and I am glad to be a part of it.
When leaving the office for lunch, my favorite Orange County restaurant to be seen at is… I haven’t had a chance to explore much yet, but Specialty’s downstairs makes an awfully good sandwich.